• 616-822-0006
  • ctamthrives@gmail.com
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CTAM Adjudication Workshop is almost here

Betsy Willis

SIGN UP HERE! If you want to brush up on your adjudication skills or become an adjudicator we have two great opportunities coming up for you to do so led by Betsy Willis and Kathy Pingel. Adjudication is a great tool for both the adjudicator and a theatre being adjudicated. Additionally, as a trained adjudicator you will have the opportunity to become a paid adjudicator for the state of Michigan. Classes only cost $50 and will be offered as part of State and Regional AACT Fest coming up in February and March respectively. To learn more about adjudication read about it here.

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Welcome to the Community
Theatre Association of Michigan

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CTAM's mission is to help our members grow and flourish,

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so live theatre remains a popular
cultural offering in Michigan!

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CTAM has tools, education
and contacts to help you evolve,

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so that your organization
can find greater success.

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